Tim Connor, Kate Macdonald and Shelley Marshall, Non-judicial interventions in business and human rights struggles: Beyond Institutional Design, Cambridge University Press, forthcoming.
Shelley Marshall, Living Wage: Regulatory Solutions to Informal and Precarious Work in Global Supply Chains, Oxford University Press, Oxford Monographs on Labour Law, 2019.
Annie Delaney, Rosaria Burcielli, Jane Tate and Shelley Marshall, Homeworking Women: informal workers recognition, representation and rights, Greenleaf/Routledge, 2018.
Referred Journal Articles
Luo, Y., Marshall, S., Cuthbert, D., The Representation Of Cross-Border Surrogacy In Australian Surrogacy Events, International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics, accepted and forthcoming.
Sara Tödt, Carla Chan Unger, Ema Moolchand & Shelley Marshall (2023) Socio-ecological value chain resilience and cleaning workers, Labour and Industry, 33:1, 63-85, DOI: 10.1080/10301763.2022.2158435
Shelley Marshall, Kate Taylor, Sara Tödt, Gendered Distributive Injustice in Production Networks: Implications for the Regulation of Precarious Work, Industrial Law Journal, 2022, (Ranked ABDC: A; Scimago: Q2).
Luo, Y., Marshall, S., Cuthbert, D. (2022). The Human Rights Implications of Not-for-Profit Surrogacy Organizations in Cross-Border Commercial Surrogacy: An Australian Case Study Business and Human Rights Journal, 7, 163 – 167 (Scimago Q1, ABDC: C).
Marshall S, Taylor K, Connor T, Haines F, Tödt S. Will Business and Human Rights regulation help Rajasthan’s bonded labourers who mine sandstone? Journal of Industrial Relations. 2022; 64(2):248-271. doi:10.1177/00221856211052073 (Ranked ABDC: A; Scimago: 1).
Olivia Dean and Shelley Marshall, ‘A Race to the Middle of the Pack: An Analysis of Slavery and Human Trafficking Statements Submitted by Australian Banks under the UK Modern Slavery Act’, (2020) Australian Journal of Human Rights, (Ranked ERA 2010: A, Scimago: 2; ABDC not ranked).
Shelley Marshall, A comparison of four experiments in extending labour regulation to non-standard and informal workers, Special Issue on Informal Work (2018) 34 (3) International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations (Ranked ABDC: B; ERA 2010: B; Scimago: 2).
Ingrid Landau and Shelley Marshall, Should Australia be embracing the Modern Slavery Model of regulation? (2018) 46 Federal Law Review 313-339, (Ranked ABDC: A*; ERA 2010: A*).
Shelley Marshall, Using mixed methods to study labour market institutions: The case of Better Factories Cambodia, (2018) 27 (4) Social & Legal Studies 475–492, (Ranked ERA 2010: A; ABDC and Scimago not ranked).
Sarah Rennie, Tim Connor, Annie Delaney, and Shelley Marshall, Orchestration from below? Trade Unions in the Global South, Transnational business and efforts to Orchestrate Continuous Improvements in Non-State Regulatory Initiatives, (2017) 40(3) University of New South Wales Law Journal 1275, (Ranked ERA 2010: A*; ABDC and Scimago: Not Ranked) (1867 words).
Book Chapters
Shelley Marshall, Labour Law and Development, in Oxford Handbook of the Law of Work, Guy Davidov, Brian Langille and Gillian Lester eds, Oxford University Press, accepted and forthcoming.
Shelley Marshall, Kate Macdonald and Tim Connor, Corporate social responsibility and voluntary market driven mechanisms, in Madelaine Moore, Marcel van der Linden, Christoph Scherrer (eds), The Elgar Companion to Decent Work and the Sustainable Development Goals, Edward Elgar, accepted and forthcoming.
Shelley Marshall and Justine Nolan, The promise of sectoral human rights due diligence, in Claire Methven, O’Brien and Larry Catá Backer eds, New Legal Norms on Human Rights Due Diligence, Routledge, accepted and forthcoming,
Ema Moolchand and Shelley Marshall, Participatory action research methods for labour law research and reform, in Handbook on Research Methods in Labour Law, Sean Cooney and Alysia Blackham eds, in the Methods in Law Series, edited by Jan Smits and Nuno Garoupa, Edward Elgar, accepted and forthcoming.
Esmira Hackenberg, Olivia Dean and Shelley Marshall, Human Rights Due Diligence – a global perspective, in A Guide to Human Rights Due Diligence, American Bar Association Publication, 2023.
Olivia Dean and Shelley Marshall, Business and Human Rights Law in Australia, in Contemporary Perspectives on Human Rights Law in Australia, Edition 2, eds Paula Gerber, Melissa Castan, Thomson Reuters, Sydney, 2022.
Shelley Marshall and Ian Ramsay, Corporate Purpose: Legal Interpretations and Empirical Evidence, Chapter 7, The Oxford Handbook of the Corporation, Thomas Clarke, Justin O'Brien, and Charles O'Kelley eds. Oxford University Press, UK, 2019.
Shelley Marshall and Delphine Weil-Accardo, The future of the ILO: a renewed purpose in promoting a global living wage in Understanding Globalisation, Labour and Development in India, Shyam Sundar ed., Palgrave, 2019.
Simon Deakin, Shelley Marshall and Sanjay Pinto, Labour Laws, Informality, and Development: Comparing India and China, in Re-Imagining Labour Law for Development: Informal Work in the Global North and South, Diamond Ashiagbor ed., Hart Publishing, United Kingdom, 2019, isbn: 9781509913152,
Marshall, S., Using a Historical Institutionalist Approach to Assess the Cambodian Better Factories Project, in The Evolving Project of Labour Law, Howe, J. & Ingrid Landau, I. (eds.) Federation Press, 2017, pp.232-246.
Monographs/Research Reports/Other
Ema Moolchand, Shelley Marshall, Hannah Coffey, Sheridan McErvale, Where’s the beef? An evaluation of meat company modern slavery statements over two years, July 2023, RMIT Business and Human Rights Centre,
Shelley Marshall, Ingrid Landau, Hila Shamir, Tamar Barkay, Judy Fudge, Auret van Heerden, 2023, Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence: Risks and Opportunities for Workers and Unions, RMIT University Business and Human Rights Centre; TraffLab ERC; and Labour, Equality and Human Rights (LEAH) research group, Monash Business School,
Justine Nolan, Shelley Marshall, Vikram Bhakoo, Martijn Boersma, Freya Dinshaw, Sarah Knop, Fiona MacGaughey, Amy Sinclair, Strengthening Modern Slavery Responses: Good Practice Toolkit, 2023,
Shelley Marshall, Vikram Bhakoo, Andrew Kach, Martijn Boersma, Freya Dinshaw, Justine Nolan, Fiona MacGaughey, Amy Sinclair Australia’s Modern Slavery Act: Is It Fit For Purpose? 2023,
Freya Dinshaw, Professor Justine Nolan, Christina Hill, Amy Sinclair, Shelley Marshall, Fiona McGaughey, Martijn Boersma, Vikram Bhakoo, Jasper Goss, Peter Keegan, Broken Promises: Two years of corporate reporting under Australia’s Modern Slavery Act, November 2022,
Carla Chan Unger, Ema Moolchand and Shelley Marshall, Evaluating the Quality of Modern Slavery Reporting in the Australian University Sector July 2022, RMIT Business and Human Rights Centre:
Shelley Marshall and Jeenat Jabbar Evaluating University Efforts to Combat Modern Slavery and Labour Abuses in Supply Chains, July 2022, RMIT Business and Human Rights Centre:
Marshall, S. and Mcdonald, F. (2021). REPORT ON VULNERABLE WORKERS IN VICTORIA In: RMIT Business and Human Rights Centre Melbourne, Australia
Marshall, S. (2021). First Peoples and Land Justice Issues in Australia: Addressing Deficits in Corporate Accountability RMIT Business and Human Rights Centre Melbourne, Australia
Simon Deakin, Shelley Marshall and Sanjay Pinto, Labour Laws, Informality and Development: Comparing India and China, University of Cambridge Working Paper No. 518, WP 518 March 2020, ISSN 2632 -9611, 2020.
Ingrid Landau, Dr Shelley Marshall and Dr Annie Delaney, Leveraging Technology to Improve Working Conditions in Global Supply Chains: Hype or Help? AIRAANZ Conference, February 2019, RMIT University, 2019,
Research Impact and Media
Research impact
Modern slavery policy influence: Resulting research has been covered widely in the media. Broken Promises was covered widely, with highlights including: ABC PM, Al Jazeera, Triple M, SBS, CHOICE; Paper Promises was also covered in major Australian media including: Australian Financial Review, SBS, ABC. I have also been consulted privately for the current review of the Modern Slavery Act by Professor McMillan, in addition to a written submission.
Conversation pieces
Martijn Boersma, Fiona McGaughey, Justine Nolan, Shelley Marshall, ‘More forced marriages and worker exploitation – why Australia needs an anti-slavery commissioner, The Conversation, January 23, 2024,
Shelley Marshall and Ema Moolchand, Where’s the meat? Employers and governments should have seen this supply crisis coming, and done something, The Conversation, 24 January 2022, 47,300 readers,
Shelley Marshall, Miriam Thompson and Carla Unger, You better hope your work cleaner is one of the few who has time to do a thorough job, The Conversation, June 10, 2020, 12,057 readers,
Shelley Marshall and Carla Unger, Treating workers like meat: what we’ve learnt from COVID-19 outbreaks in abattoirs, The Conversation, October 14 2020, 5369 readers,
Shelley Marshall, A national living wage is on the table. Now let’s talk about a global living wage, 27 March 2019, read by 6269 readers,
Shelley Marshall, Calls to give teeth to modern slavery legislation, Lawyers Weekly - 1/06/2022, There are 40.3 million people worldwide who are experiencing modern slavery. Up to 15,000 people are estimated to be in modern slavery in Australia.
Shelley Marshall and Ema Moolchand, Employers, governments should have seen COVID-19 meat supply crisis coming, and done something, ABC News, Monday 24 January 2022,
Shelley Marshall, interview, ABC Radio Sydney’s Drive program with Richard Glover, 24 January 2022.
Shelley Marshall, interview, ABC Radio ABC Sunshine Coast Drive program, 24 January 2022.
Shelley Marshall, interview, ABC TV news channel with presenter Gemma Veness, 24 January 2022.
Shelley Marshall, interview for ‘Wangan and Jagalingou traditional owners use human rights law to occupy Bravus's Carmichael Coal Mine’, ABC Capricornia, By Inga Stünzner,
Shelley Marshall, Today is Human Rights Day, highlighting a focus on business ethics and working conditions with the pandemic impacting people's employment security. Associate Professor Shelley Marshall says companies shouldn't be exploiting their workers' basic rights when they're vulnerable; 101.5 Triple M: Human Rights Day; 101.5 Triple M - 10/12/2020
Shelley Marshall, Human Rights Day, ABC Illawarra. Listen to part one and part two of her interview; 10/12/2020
Shelley Marshall, Human Rights Day, ultra106five Hobart and Southern tasmania and WAY FM Launceston and NE Tas;, 10/12/2020
Shelley Marshall, NITV Radio: Human Rights Day, SBS Radio - 11/12/2020 , 10 December marked the UN Human Rights Day. Dr Shelley Marshall joins NITV radio to discuss Human Rights Day in the context of First Nations people.
Shelley Marshall, 7 minute interview about the Andrew’s government’s sick leave pilot, ABC 24 — ABC Evening News, Monday, November 23, 2020:
Shelley Marshall, ‘How do we get back to normal life’, ABC Radio Drive with Raf Epstein, August 26 2020,
Shelley Marshall, Workplace cleaners are on the frontline of the coronavirus pandemic. They need enough time to do their job, ABC,
Shelley Marshall, Radio Interview, 2NM Hunter Valley Radio, Workplace Cleaners,
Shelley Marshall, Radio Interview, Bush Fire Survivors Launch Claim Against ANZ, ABC Drive Radio, ABC Wednesday 29th Jan 2020, 3pm.
Shelley Marshall, 3AW 693 News Talk: IBAC V-Line Investigation, 3AW 693 News Talk – 31 October 2020, There are renewed calls for Victoria to sign up to the Cleaning Accountability Framework following explosive revelations about kickbacks for multi-million dollar contracts awarded to Metro and V-Line trains.
Shelley Marshall, Today is Human Rights Day, highlighting a focus on business ethics and working conditions with the pandemic impacting people's employment security. Associate Professor Shelley Marshall says companies shouldn't be exploiting their workers' basic rights when they're vulnerable; 101.5 Triple M: Human Rights Day; 101.5 Triple M - 10/12/2020
Throughout the DECRA project on comabatting modern slavery with digital technologies, Shelley Marshall spoke at keynote events, presentations at webinars, held meetings to brief ministers and made written submissions to government. This list is a summary of those engagement activites.
Asia Pacific Virtual Consultation on Revised Draft of the Proposed Business and Human Rights Treaty
Date: 23 June 2020
Role: Speaker
Summary: Spoke at an invitation-only forum advising the United Nations on the draft Business and Human Rights treaty.
Nature: Virtual consultation
Organization: United Nations
Other Speakers: Not specified
Member of ANZ Bank Consultative Committee on Human Rights
Date: 2020–2021
Role: Adviser (Committee Member)
Summary: Participated in 10 meetings chaired by ANZ’s Human Rights Officer to advise on human rights policies, resulting in an innovative Human Rights Policy.
Nature: Series of committee meetings
Organization: ANZ Bank
Other Speakers: Not applicable
URL: Not available
How to Bring a Complaint to the Australian NCP
Date: 15 September 2020
Role: Speaker
Summary: Delivered a webinar reflecting on research findings about when and how Australian National Contact Points (ANCPs) are used effectively. Shared practical advice on submitting complaints.
Nature: Webinar
Organization: Australian Corporate Accountability Network
Other Speakers: Not specified
Avenues for Remedy: Business and Human Rights
Date: 2 December 2020
Role: Chair
Summary: Chaired a session at the 1st UN Pacific Forum, focusing on raising awareness, building capacity, and discussing remedies for business-related human rights abuses.
Nature: Hybrid forum (Suva, Fiji, and online)
Organization: United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner
Other Speakers: Joe Moses, Padma Raman, Ashwin Raj, John Southalan
A Roundtable on Sustainable and Inclusive Work for Vulnerable Workers
Date: 3 December 2020
Role: Organiser
Summary: Organised a roundtable examining the conditions of vulnerable Victorian workers during COVID-19. Discussed effective programs and gaps in service delivery.
Nature: Online roundtable
Organization: RMIT Research Centres (BHRIGHT and CPOW)
Other Speakers: Shelley Mallet, Jenni Smith, Miriam Thompson
URL: Not available
Business and human rights centre Summer Paper Incubator Programme
Date: December 2020 – March 2021
Role: Organiser and Chair
Summary: Led a 10-week program to enhance the quality of journal articles authored by BHRIGHT members.
Nature: Online workshop series
Organization: RMIT Business and Human Rights Centre (BHRIGHT)
Other Speakers: Not specified
URL: Not available
Asia-Oceania Business and Human Rights Doctoral Symposium
Date: February 2021
Role: Organiser
Summary: Brought together PhD students across Asia to foster collaboration and advance Business and Human Rights scholarship.
Nature: Online symposium
Organization: RMIT Business and Human Rights Centre (BHRIGHT)
Other Speakers: Not specified
ROTARY VICTORIA Business and Human Rights Panel Discussion
Date: 22 April 2021
Role: Panellist
Summary: Shared perspectives on global and domestic challenges for peace leadership as part of Rotary’s centenary celebrations.
Nature: Online symposium
Organization: Rotary Victoria
Other Speakers: Not specified
Asian Business and Human Rights Scholars Workshop
Date: 28 April 2021
Role: Speaker
Summary: Delivered a session on networking and communication at a workshop promoting BHR reforms across Asia.
Nature: Online workshop
Organization: City University of Hong Kong
Other Speakers: 26 scholars from 14 Asian jurisdictions
Implementing Effective Modern Slavery Grievance Mechanisms
Date: 25 May 2021
Role: Speaker
Summary: Presented evidence from empirical studies on effective grievance mechanisms to 90 business representatives.
Nature: Workshop
Organization: United Nations Global Compact Network Australia
Other Speakers: Not specified
URL: Not available
Large Scale Population Surveys: BHRIGHT Methodology Series
Date: 5 June 2021
Role: Organiser
Summary: Exposed BHRIGHT members to new methodologies through this series.
Nature: Online methodology session
Organization: RMIT Business and Human Rights Centre (BHRIGHT)
Other Speakers: Not specified
URL: Not available
Coding Reports: BHRIGHT Methodology Series
Date: 12 August 2021
Role: Organiser
Summary: Organized an event to showcase report coding methodologies for researchers.
Nature: Online methodology session
Organization: RMIT Business and Human Rights Centre (BHRIGHT)
Other Speakers: Not specified
URL: Not available
CSR and SDGs as Tools for Business Recovery
Date: 15 September 2021
Role: Organiser
Summary: Organized a seminar on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to assist businesses post-COVID.
Nature: Online seminar
Organization: RMIT Vietnam Campus, Graduate School of Business and Law
Other Speakers: Prof. Shams Rahman, John Ditty
Social Media and Blog Writing Workshop
Date: 21 October 2021
Role: Speaker
Summary: Delivered a webinar on writing and social media strategies for researchers.
Nature: Online workshop
Organization: RMIT Business and Human Rights Centre (BHRIGHT)
Other Speakers: Sara Todt
URL: Not available
Managing Research Assistants Workshop
Date: 4 November 2021
Role: Organiser and Chair
Summary: Guided participants on managing and collaborating with research assistants effectively.
Nature: Online workshop
Organization: RMIT Business and Human Rights Centre (BHRIGHT)
Other Speakers: Eloise Florence, Apurva Sharma
URL: Not available
Social Network Analysis in Social Science Research, BHRIGHT METHODOLOGY SERIES
Date: 24 November 2021
Role: Organiser
Summary: Presented studies using social network analysis to examine sustainability practices in supply chains.
Nature: Online methodology session
Organization: RMIT Business and Human Rights Centre (BHRIGHT)
Other Speakers: Prof. Shams Rahman, Dr. Aswini Yadlapalli
URL: Not available
Project Development and Management Workshop
Date: 25 November 2021
Role: Speaker
Summary: Delivered hands-on guidance on developing research ideas and managing projects for Early Career Researchers.
Nature: Online workshop
Organization: RMIT Business and Human Rights Centre (BHRIGHT)
Other Speakers: Not specified
URL: Not available
Ethical Enterprise Conference
Date: 6–7 December 2021
Role: Co-organiser
Summary: Coordinated a hybrid conference focusing on social enterprise and sustainable business practices.
Nature: Conference
Organization: Moral Fairground
Other Speakers: Multiple ethical business leaders
Is Australia Doing All It Can to Stamp Out Human Rights Breaches? ROTARY MELBOURNE
Date: 15 March 2022
Role: Speaker
Summary: Delivered a thought leadership talk questioning Australia's efforts to address human rights breaches in business operations and supply chains. Discussed how Australia could improve its global citizenship and encouraged Rotary members to take action.
Nature: Thought leadership seminar
Organization: Rotary Melbourne Central Human Rights Club
Other Speakers: Not specified
2022 Asia and Oceania Business and Human Rights Doctoral Symposium
Date: 17–18 March 2022
Role: Organiser
Summary: Organized a virtual symposium in partnership with RMIT Centre for Business and Human Rights and Macquarie Law School. The theme was "Decolonising Business and Human Rights," fostering academic discourse among PhD scholars.
Nature: Symposium
Organization: RMIT University and Macquarie Law School
URL: Not available
Strategic and Creative Litigation and Advocacy Strategies for Informal Economy Workers
Date: 21 March 2022
Role: Speaker
Summary: Presented on strategies to enhance the labour rights of informal economy workers, comparing legislative approaches in Pakistan, Australia, and Thailand.
Nature: Webinar
Organization: ILAW Network and Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing (WIEGO)
Other Speakers: Representatives from ILAW and WIEGO
URL: Not available
Unfree Labour: Experimental Remedies
Date: 22 April 2022
Role: Presenter
Summary: Presented on Australia's Modern Slavery Act and its regulatory impact at CRIMT’s Virtual Magog.
Nature: Conference session
Organization: CRIMT Partnership
Other Speakers: Judy Fudge (McMaster University), Jonelle Humphrey (McMaster University)
URL: Not available
Joint Submission to Modern Slavery Act Review
Date: 21 November 2022
Role: Co-author
Summary: Submission to the Modern Slavery Act Review Secretariat focusing on the Anti-Slavery Commissioner’s role.
Nature: Written submission
Organization: University of Liverpool Management School and RMIT University
URL: Not available
Cleaning and Security Compliance on Campus
Date: 28 July 2022
Role: Speaker
Summary: Briefed stakeholders in higher education on promoting good labour practices in supply chains.
Nature: Webinar
Organization: Australian University Procurement Network
URL: Not available
RMIT University Sustainability Week 2023 Keynote Forum
Date: 2 May 2023
Role: Keynote Speaker
Summary: Delivered the keynote to launch RMIT’s Sustainability Week, emphasizing social and environmental leadership.
Nature: Keynote forum
Organization: RMIT University
URL: Not available
Technology: A Driver and Disruptor of Modern Slavery
Date: 28 June 2023
Role: Speaker
Summary: Participated in a plenary panel discussing digital technology's impact on modern slavery.
Nature: Conference plenary
Organization: Attorney General's Modern Slavery Conference
URL: Not available
Bangladesh Apparel Summit: ESG Collaborations in Fashion
Date: 18 July 2023
Role: Panellist
Summary: Discussed sustainability in Bangladesh’s apparel industry transformation into a sustainable sourcing hub.
Nature: Panel discussion
Organization: Bangladesh Apparel Summit
Lunchtime Briefing on Modern Slavery in Australia's Meat Sector
Date: 23 August 2023
Role: Organiser and Speaker
Summary: Presented findings of the “Where’s the Beef” report on modern slavery in the meat industry.
Nature: Webinar
Organization: BHRIGHT (RMIT)
Advancing Social Impact with Digital Technologies
Date: 4 September 2023
Role: Speaker
Summary: Explored digital technologies’ applications for social good and combating modern slavery.
Nature: Webinar
Organization: RMIT Business and Human Rights Centre
URL: Not available
Debate on Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence
Date: 30–31 August 2023
Role: Speaker
Summary: Participated in a debate on the need for mandatory human rights due diligence in Australia.
Nature: Biannual conference session
Organization: Australian United Nations Global Compact
URL: Not available
Keynote at Brazilian Superior Labour Congress
Date: 24–27 October 2023
Role: Keynote Speaker
Summary: Addressed labour justice researchers on embracing empirical legal studies.
Nature: Keynote presentation
Organization: Brazilian Superior Labour Congress
Replay: Congresso de Pesquisa Judiciária, Ciência de Dados e Estatística da JT | 1º dia - YouTube
Joint Submission to the Senate Standing Committees on Legal and Constitutional Affairs
Date: 22 January 2024
Role: Co-author
Summary: Submission on the Modern Slavery Amendment Bill (2023), focusing on Anti-Slavery Commissioner’s role.
Nature: Written submission
Organization: Collaboration with legal scholars and institutions
URL: Not available
Appearance at Committee Hearing on Modern Slavery Amendment Bill
Date: 19 February 2024
Role: Speaker
Summary: Gave evidence at a public hearing for the inquiry into the Modern Slavery Amendment Bill.
Nature: Public hearing
Organization: Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee
URL: Not available
Ensuring Outsourced Digital Work is Decent Work
Date: 5 March 2024
Role: Speaker
Summary: Discussed legal governance of outsourced digital work at a webinar.